Friday, May 9, 2014

Spiritual Housework


My goal for this blog is to record our {Mark's and my} journey for the family and friends we left behind in Florida almost a year ago....

a year ago. wow.

It's cliché, but time really does fly...

July 15th, 2013, Mark and I moved to the beautiful area of North Georgia because of a job promotion. Yay! But we left behind all our beloved family and friends =( 

We miss them terribly, but we know that we are where God intends for us to be, and we are enjoying the perks of being north enough to enjoy the seasons!

Last week I learned something new about my husband of 5 1/2 years...

{I look forward to learning more things about him as we get older, as I'm sure I will}

We were on our way to see my brother, Landon, get married to Halal Allen. It was a beautiful wedding! Perhaps more on that later...

My parents with my brother and new sister-in-love

Something you should know about Mark, he's a little OCD when it comes to cleanliness. His OCD is no secret; our families often tease him about it, and he takes a strange pride in it. Last Friday, I found out why.

Mark went through a dark, god-less period in his late teens, early twenties. Providentially, he had a jolting wake-up call and decided to recommit his life to God. This also included a change in environment. Before his wake-up call, Mark's room was a dark place of filth. Often his only light was a black light mounted in his room, and he rarely ever cleaned. Mark knew that his environment encouraged the darkness (literally and metaphorically), so he changed it, obsessively so.

That Friday, driving down to Florida and talking to Mark about the years before I met him, I realized that my assistance in keeping our home clean and in good order helped my husband on a spiritual level. This was so profound to me. No longer was housework a chore to be completed; it was a way to care for my husband's soul. While I do not cherish scrubbing toilets or doing the dishes, I do cherish the thought of encouraging Mark's soul toward God. 

Sadly, I cannot say that there was a significant change in my behavior or actions regarding housework, but I know something changed in how I viewed it. Right thoughts prompt right actions. So here's to a Re-Envisioned Home!

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